Cotton Yoga Strap

  1.  Soft and durable
  2. Customized color and size
  3. Only for wholesale
  4. Comply with safety standards and support quality inspection

Test the weight-bearing capacity of a cotton yoga strap

Ensure that the yoga mat strap is in good condition and securely attached to the yoga mat.

Hang one end of the yoga mat strap securely from a sturdy hook, beam, or other elevated fixture. Make sure the strap is positioned vertically and can move freely without any obstructions.

Gradually add weight to the free end of the yoga mat strap using weights, bags of sand, or other heavy objects. Add weight incrementally and allow time for the strap to adjust to the load before adding more weight.

Continuously monitor the strap for any signs of stretching, fraying, or weakening as the weight is applied. Pay attention to the strap’s material and stitching to ensure they can withstand the load.

Record the maximum weight or load that the yoga mat strap can bear before showing signs of failure or damage. This will give you an indication of the weight-bearing capacity of the strap.

Analysis: After completing the test, carefully inspect the yoga mat strap for any signs of damage or deformation. Assess whether the strap meets your expectations for strength and durability based on the test results.

Yoga strap materials

Material Pros Cons
  • Soft, comfortable, and gentle on the skin
  • Provides good grip
  • Easy to clean
  • Natural and eco-friendly
  • May stretch over time
  • Absorbs moisture, can feel damp during sweaty sessions
  • Durable, strong, and resistant to stretching
  • Provides a firm grip
  • Easy to maintain
  • Quick-drying
  • Lightweight
  • May feel less comfortable against the skin
  • Some people may be sensitive to synthetic materials
  • Durable, lightweight, and resistant to stretching
  • Smooth texture
  • Easy to clean
  • Quick-drying
  • May not provide as much grip as cotton or nylon
  • May lack the softness of cotton
Proprietary Blends
  • Combines benefits of different fabrics
  • Enhanced durability, grip, and comfort
  • More expensive than single-material options
  • Characteristics may be challenging to assess without trying firsthand
Recycled Materials
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable
  • Reduces waste and environmental impact
  • Quality and performance may vary
  • Check for certifications or quality standards

How to use Yoga strap

  1. Selecting the Right Strap: Choose a yoga strap that is long enough to comfortably reach your hands and has a secure buckle or closure to adjust the length.
  2. Preparation: Begin by rolling out your yoga mat and finding a comfortable, quiet space to practice.
  3. Warm-Up: Before using the strap, warm up your body with a few gentle stretches or Sun Salutations to prepare your muscles and joints for deeper stretching.

Basic Use:

Sit on your mat with your legs extended in front of you.
Loop one end of the strap around the sole of your foot, holding the other end in your hand.
Use the strap to gently pull your foot towards you, feeling a stretch in your hamstring and calf muscles.
Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, breathing deeply and maintaining good posture.
Release the strap and switch sides, repeating the stretch on the other leg.

Assistance in Poses:

Use the strap to extend your reach in poses where your hands cannot comfortably reach each other, such as in Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana) or Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana).
Place the strap around your foot or feet and hold onto the ends to help maintain proper alignment and deepen the stretch.

Alignment Support:

In poses like Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) or Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana), use the strap to help maintain a straight spine and square hips.
Loop the strap around your foot and hold onto it with both hands, allowing the strap to guide you into proper alignment.

Shoulder Opener:

Hold the strap with both hands, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Inhale to lift the strap overhead, keeping your arms straight and shoulders relaxed.
Exhale to gently lower the strap behind your head, feeling a stretch in your shoulders and chest.
Hold the stretch for a few breaths, then release and repeat as needed.
Cool Down and Relaxation: After using the strap, take a few moments to cool down with gentle stretches and relaxation poses like Savasana (Corpse Pose) to release any tension and integrate the benefits of your practice.


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  • Please pay more attention to your order address which MUST MATCH your shipping address. (If you’re from Russia, Please leave your full name. It is very important)
  • Items will be shipped within 3 business days after payment.
  • Please check items when delivered, if damaged, please kindly accept it and contact us immediately.  We will make a confirmation and resend you a new one.


Shipping By Shipping Cost Estimated Delivery Time Tracking Information
Thembay Express Free Shipping 12-20 days Not available
LEX $20.00 – $50.00 04-12 days Available
Lorem Ex $26.00 – $70.00 03-17 days Available

Packaging Details

  • Unit Type: piece
  • Package Size: 25cm x 32cm x 5cm (9.84in x 12.60in x 1.97in)
  • Package Weight: 0.56kg (1.23lb.)